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The program aims to unite universities more significantly in promoting human rights and peace through research and education. Mahidol University serves as the center connection, with its Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies coordinating activities within the network. This is not limited to only universities within the network but extensively to governmental bodies as well as collaborators. AUN-HRE seeks to elevate the importance of human rights and peace in educational and research agendas, believing that effective responses to challenges against these values require a skilled network of experts and evidence-based knowledge. Ultimately, AUN-HRE is committed to fostering regional cooperation in higher education to promote and protect human rights and sustainable peace across ASEAN and Southeast Asia.
Recognizing that respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is one of the key principles for ASEAN Community building, the ASEAN University Network – Human Rights Education (AUN- HRE) was established by the ASEAN University Network Board of Trustees in 2009 with the objective of building a culture of human rights and peace in the region. The specific objectives of AUN-HRE are:
- To further efforts by different bodies in promoting human rights and peace education in ASEAN/SEA;
- To mainstream human rights and peace education envisioned by ASEAN Vision 2025 and to support the realization of SDGs (4.7);
- To strengthen capacities of lecturers/ students on research and education;
- To provide platform for exchange and collaboration within and beyond the Southeast Asia region; and
- To develop materials and human resources for human rights and peace.
Under the framework of these objectives, the different activities undertaken by AUN-HRE are:
- Lecturers’ training on teaching human rights and peace,
- Development of textbooks and learning materials on human rights and peace education,
- Student and youth engagement
- Strengthening inter-institutional and regional cooperation,
- Promoting human rights and peace courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and
- Policy advocacy and government engagement.
AUN-HRE has 30 members and 2 associate members. The Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand serves as the secretariat of AUN-HRE.