AUN-QA’s Official Meetings in Viet Nam Series #1: Ministry of Education and Training
During the Viet Nam visit, the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) had the opportunity to meet with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) on 20 July 2022. The Deputy Minister of the MOET, H.E. Assoc. Prof. Hoang Minh Son, alongside representatives from Higher Education Department and Viet Nam Education Management Agency (VQA) under the MOET, cordially welcomed the AUN-QA team led by Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti – Executive Director of the AUN to the official onsite meeting.
Both parties subsequently discussed upon contribution and accomplishment of AUN-QA in Viet Nam. The AUN-QA team reported the AUN-QA activities in Viet Nam comprising of numerous assessments of programmes in higher education institutions (HEIs), and multiple AUN-QA training of more than 300 Vietnamese alumni in 70 universities. Moreover, Viet Nam has become one of the countries with the highest number of programmes assessed by AUN-QA in the ASEAN region.
Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, the Executive Director of the AUN presented AUN-QA assessment frameworks.
Consequently, the Deputy Minister, H.E. Assoc. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Hoang Minh Son, valued the significance of the AUN-QA cooperation. He supported 4 possible levels of collaborations and capacity development between AUN-QA and the following parties in Viet Nam:
- AUN-QA and Department of Quality Management, MOET
- AUN-QA and Accreditation Agencies
- AUN-QA and HEIs in Viet Nam (AUN-QA Member Universities)
- AUN-QA and Vietnamese assessors/experts
He also encouraged AUN-QA to reinforce education policy development by providing AUN-QA performance reports for purpose of improving new policies, standards or instruments in some specific areas. In addition, the Deputy Minister emboldened the capacity building from AUN-QA regarding Institutional Level Assessment, Internal Quality Assurance and networks of the AUN international organisation partners in order to advance the capability of accreditation as well as internal quality assurance of HEIs in Viet Nam.
The guest of honour in this meeting was the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Training, H.E. Assoc. Prof. Hoang Minh Son and his team.
Both sides exchanged views and clarified a number of issues related to assessment results and training programmes. At the same time, the AUN-QA team shared its observation in developing strategies and plans to develop human resources such as assessors, experts and internal HEIs QA teams through training and workshops. Furthermore, views related to further AUN-QA’s cooperation are to be discussed in the period 2022 to 2030 in order to ultimately support the quality assurance and accreditation system in Viet Nam.